"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
- From Semisonic's "Closing Time"
We were sitting in a bar in downtown Nashville when that line really hit me for the first time.
The song mentioned above has been one of my favorites of all-time for years now,
but I suppose it just really takes some perspective for certain lines to really hit you.
The funny thing though, is that the line doesn't pertain to me at all right now.
It instead involves two of my closest friends (which is the "We" I referred to earlier).
But that's all I'll say about that subject, if by chance either of them read this I just hope they know that they'll both be alright, no matter how much their mind fucks with them and tells them they won't be. I love you both, and think you both have grown from what you shared over the last couple of years. And to be honest, I think it's going to make you both even more amazing human beings with time.
So anyways.
I ended up alone at The Weakerthans concert in Nashville last night.
And actually, I wasn't sour about being alone at all, despite what my company with me thought as they left. There was really no reason for either of them to say sorry to me, if there's one person that understands the complexity of human relationships and personal needs, it's me.
But yeah, so here's what happened...
I'm standing there in the Exit/In with my 16oz "Champagne of Beer" listening to the open band.
They finish, and I for some reason I felt the need to wash my hands.
So I go to the restroom and do so.
(Keep in mind, that at this point in time I'm a tad bit drunk)
And then I decide to go outside (for what reason, i have no idea)...
and I start walking for a second, and have a sudden realization...
I look down at my hand (where at the beginning of the night the cool doorman gave me a stamp as he took my ticket to get into the show) and sure enough, my dumbass had accidentally washed it off completely.
I hated myself for a minute, decided I was too drunk to stay and wait for The Weakerthans to go on anyway, and headed off to my car.
Ha. So that's my story about how I didn't see The Weakerthans last night.
It's now my favorite, I was a drunk dumbass one time, story.
And here's to many more :)
It's almost April now.
The weather's getting warmer and the Earth is getting brighter again.
It's going to be a great Spring.

(I think it may be time for me to do some laundry.)
It took about a week's worth of listening,
but I finally really really really like the new Panic At The Disco album.
So if you went out and bought it, and didn't like it at first,
please give it a chance, because yeah it's weird not hearing every song be a fast distorted pop song... but once you get over that and just listen to it for what it is you'll realize it's a great album.
And I just have to mention the fact that Counting Crows' new album "Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings" is my favorite of the year so far. I love it.
Business talk?
Yeah, I've got some business talk now.
I've finally started making the marketing plans for BG, as well as promotional and street team ideas. I've also been trying to come up with some really interesting contests as well for the new album.
So far I've got a lot of ideas and I'm just filtering through them all now to figure which are good and which are definitely not.
I've also gotten some more work for my book done as well and if you've been keeping up with that on myspace or chadsugg.com then you'll be seeing a ton of new info, previews, and other stuff on that this week.
I'm pretty sure that this April is going to be the busiest month of my life thus far...
and I couldn't be more excited about that.
By the way, in case you didn't know...
I have a daily "blog" now that you can find and follow at chadsblog.tumblr.com
And that is now my newest obsession, and I definitely suggest you get one at Tumblr.com
- Chad
P.S. - By the way...

(Here's the newest BG poster, available now HERE)