Welcome back.
It's been a while, QUITE a while since I've been able to post one of these from the luxury of my MacBook.
After not having it for about four weeks due to its hard drive dying, I finally got it back.
None of my info was able to be saved yet, so I'm still in a bit of a predicament as far as my book goes,...
but I've already got my plan of how to fix all that. (So that's a different story, for a different day)
But, for those wondering, if you've already pre-ordered/ordered my book, don't worry, I'm working as fast as possible to make sure it gets to you as soon as humanly possible. And now that my Mac is back things are going to be moving very very quickly and I'm hoping to have the book off to be published by the middle of this week, and then it will be shipped to you awesomely patient people by the middle of next week. (If you're unaware of my full laptop problems that occurred recently just check my last post on here to catch up on the catastrophe)
that's enough of this broken MacBook talk...
because now it is back and better than ever, and I've got a ton of shit to get caught up on...
but that also means that I've got a ton of really really exciting stuff coming up as well.
One of the exciting things is an idea I had a few months ago.
I'm not sharing any details at all yet, but I'm very fucking stoked about the possibilities of it.
It's looking like it will have a Fall launch...
right now I'm in the beginning stages of getting the legal stuff out of the way,
as well as all the other this and that to get this thing off the ground.
Another exciting thing is the fact that any day now I'm going to be able to finally share a good bit of Summer tour dates with you all for Backseat Goodbye, as well as the official date in which my new album will be available in some quite large chains of retail stores nationwide ;) (just keep your eyes peeled)
with my MacBook issue and the whole thing coming full circle with it being fixed...
I've decided that I really want to be in touch with all of you more.
So since my iCalendar was completely wiped anyway with the new hard drive,
I'm completely reforming how I divulge my days....
because yeah, I still used to take a good bit of time each day to respond to messages, emails, and comments that were just from fans...
but now I'm going to start taking at least two hours a day to make sure I get in touch with as many people as possible that send me messages and comments and just everything.
I'm basically just re-dedicating myself to making sure you people know how much I do actually give a shit that you listen to my music, read my blogs, etc...
I'm also going to be keeping up with this blog much more often again.
And seriously,
I apologize to anyone that has emailed me, messaged me, or whatever over the last four weeks...
please understand that my only means of internet was through my old Dell laptop (which had its internet plug-in port literally fried by a lightning storm years ago, so I was having to run my internet through USB, which basically made it slower than dial-up)... so it was quite hard for me to respond to anything that wasn't in the very important business email category.
But I'm keeping this post relatively short, and will end it on this note...
The coming months are going to be one hell of a ride for my music, not to mention the other endeavors (my book, and the other new "idea" coming this Fall)....
so as always, I hope you're up for coming along with me.
I've had a hell of a time so far, and couldn't thank all of you enough for sticking with me, whether it be for the last few years, few months, or last few days....
but I can't even begin to tell you how completely in love I am with even just the possibilities of the coming months.
This is going to be a damn great Summer, and as always, I'm much more fond of having someone there to sing along with me...
so if you're up for it, I sure as hell know that I am.
Let's make this Summer one to remember.
PostScript - If you didn't know, my new album is now available on iTunes via The Militia Group, and you can find it by searching for "Backseat Goodbye" in the iTunes Music Store or by clicking HERE
PostScriptTOO - Also, there are some new shirts available just in time for Summer at my online store @ store.backseatgoodbye.com