My New Years Resolutions For 2008
(in no particular order)
1. Exercise daily.
2. Eat a bit healthier (just a bit).
3. Take more photographs of life, before it passes me by.
4. Learn to speak French.
5. Go to a Nashville Predators game, like I used to.
6. Read 30 books (I never read, it's about time I started).
7. Blog once for every day of the year (more of a 'personal journal' type thing, for me, to remember the good days).
8. Pay off ALL of my bills before Summer.
9. Buy a banjo.
10. GO TO THE ZOO (I've been wanting to go since my senior year in high school and still haven't gone).
11. Work harder than I did in 2007.
12. Save money and learn how to invest it for when I'm older and will need it.
13. Put ALL of my cd collection on my iPod.
14. Learn to play piano better.
And actually, I suppose some of this is more like a to-do list, but I'll count them all as resolutions anyways.
Also, some exciting Backseat Goodbye news...
TOMORROW, December 30th, San Diego's radio station Sophie 103.7 will be playing "Technicolor Eyes" on their Unsigned Sunday show! This marks the official first time BG will be played on a big radio station such as Sophie.
And one big thing is I can use YOUR help to get "Technicolor Eyes" put on regular rotation, and if it gets put on rotation at this station there's a VERY good chance it can get airplay in even more big cities across the U.S.!
So here's all you have to do to help out...
Tomorrow (December 30th) you can visit
and you'll see my photo in the middle of the page along with three other artists...
if you look beside the photos you'll see an area where you can vote called "Vote On It"...
all you have to do is click on the circle beside Backseat Goodbye and then click the little Vote box, and that's it! (you do NOT have to sign up for anything at all to vote, just two clicks and you're done)
And if you want to help even more, there's an area just below the artists that will say "Unsigned Sunday for 12/30", and just below that you can leave a comment. So please feel free to leave a comment saying how much you like "Technicolor Eyes" or Backseat Goodbye.
By the way, if you don't live in the San Diego, CA area then you can easily listen to the show from ANYWHERE in the world if you click on "Listen Live" in the top right at
And thank you so so so so so soooo much if you help out with this, I appreciate it quite a lot!

Here's the view from my bedroom window today.
The sun finally started shining in TN again.
Good day, everyone!
- Chad
p.s. - Feel free to leave any cool resolutions you have for 2008 in the comments.
p.p.s. - Just a little over two more days until I announce all the huge BG news, don't forget!
p.p.p.s. - Thanks to all of you who left your favorite albums of 2007 in the last blog, I'm glad to see you all have amazing music taste :)