My New Years Resolutions For 2008
(in no particular order)
1. Exercise daily.
2. Eat a bit healthier (just a bit).
3. Take more photographs of life, before it passes me by.
4. Learn to speak French.
5. Go to a Nashville Predators game, like I used to.
6. Read 30 books (I never read, it's about time I started).
7. Blog once for every day of the year (more of a 'personal journal' type thing, for me, to remember the good days).
8. Pay off ALL of my bills before Summer.
9. Buy a banjo.
10. GO TO THE ZOO (I've been wanting to go since my senior year in high school and still haven't gone).
11. Work harder than I did in 2007.
12. Save money and learn how to invest it for when I'm older and will need it.
13. Put ALL of my cd collection on my iPod.
14. Learn to play piano better.
And actually, I suppose some of this is more like a to-do list, but I'll count them all as resolutions anyways.
Also, some exciting Backseat Goodbye news...
TOMORROW, December 30th, San Diego's radio station Sophie 103.7 will be playing "Technicolor Eyes" on their Unsigned Sunday show! This marks the official first time BG will be played on a big radio station such as Sophie.
And one big thing is I can use YOUR help to get "Technicolor Eyes" put on regular rotation, and if it gets put on rotation at this station there's a VERY good chance it can get airplay in even more big cities across the U.S.!
So here's all you have to do to help out...
Tomorrow (December 30th) you can visit
and you'll see my photo in the middle of the page along with three other artists...
if you look beside the photos you'll see an area where you can vote called "Vote On It"...
all you have to do is click on the circle beside Backseat Goodbye and then click the little Vote box, and that's it! (you do NOT have to sign up for anything at all to vote, just two clicks and you're done)
And if you want to help even more, there's an area just below the artists that will say "Unsigned Sunday for 12/30", and just below that you can leave a comment. So please feel free to leave a comment saying how much you like "Technicolor Eyes" or Backseat Goodbye.
By the way, if you don't live in the San Diego, CA area then you can easily listen to the show from ANYWHERE in the world if you click on "Listen Live" in the top right at
And thank you so so so so so soooo much if you help out with this, I appreciate it quite a lot!

Here's the view from my bedroom window today.
The sun finally started shining in TN again.
Good day, everyone!
- Chad
p.s. - Feel free to leave any cool resolutions you have for 2008 in the comments.
p.p.s. - Just a little over two more days until I announce all the huge BG news, don't forget!
p.p.p.s. - Thanks to all of you who left your favorite albums of 2007 in the last blog, I'm glad to see you all have amazing music taste :)
im working on mine, i have to think harder and stuff.
4. Learn to speak French.
- j'adore backseat goodbye. le francais est fantastique et facile! (i love backseat goodbye. french is fantastic and easy) if you ever need help, look me up.
6. Read 30 books (I never read, it's about time I started).
- if you haven't, you should read vonnegut. cat's cradle, slaughterhouse-five. or charles bukowski.
my resolutions?
don't be so critical of myself.
discover more amazing music like i did this year.
and some more. =]
have a good night, chad!
you should definitely read "the five people you meet in heaven." if you haven't already.
& i love that you know it is p.p.s & not p.s.s. :)
sorry. it annoys me that a lot people don't know that.
you should learn japanese! :)
watashi wa clarissa desu.
watashi wa backseat goodbye to chad ga daisuki desu nee.(i am clarissa. i love backseat goodbye and chad!)
Ive got many resolutions....but ill just put a couple down so i dont bore u!
1. Not to be affraid to take any risks
2. To learn how to save money so i can learn to drive and go to loads of gigs
hmmmm cant think kf anymore!
so yesterday, i made a blog about my new years resolutions and i swear, at least half of them are the same as this list. haha.. way to go.
my recommendation: if you haven't already, read the perks of being a wallflower.
regina spektor songs are quite easy to play on the piano and create hours of ridiculous fun [or maybe i'm just a huge nerd haha]
check it out :]
[ode to divorce is the easiest to sing with.. just for starters]
& congrats on getting the music on the radio. :]
Zoos are fabulous; I went to the San Diego one earlier this year. (They have rather good radio down there, too. Or maybe there's just terrible radio in northern California.) Anyways. That's a good resolution.
My resolution is to figure one out before the end of the year. Yes, it's a bit of a cop-out. But I'll think of a more spectacular one eventually. Hopefully.
My resolutions for the year are pretty basic.
1. Get my lazy bum a job.
2. Focus more on school.
3. Be more open with people.
Hopefully I can keep them this year!
Have a wonderful day, Chad! (:
P.S. French is easy. Learning it should be no problem for you.
J'adore la Banquette Arrière au Revoir. C'est ma bande préférée, et je pense que le Chad est étonnant.
(That says, "I love Backseat Goodbye. It is my favorite band, and I think Chad is amazing.")
It's awesome that you're going to be on the radio! :D Though it does make me a bit sad. But I'm greedy and like to keep all the sexy music to myself ;P But I'm happy for you!
Mind if I steal a few of your resolutions?!
1. Exercise daily.
I'll try to do this, but five days a week. I walk home from the bus five days a week, but it's only a little over half a mile. I'll try to walk on the treadmill when I get home, too.
2. Eat a bit healthier (just a bit).
Definitely need to. I got to be a healthy eater over summer, but I'm slipping up a lot now ): I need to lose some pounds. *pokes her fat* xD
3. Take more photographs of life, before it passes me by.
YESYES. I regret not doing this these past few years. I just need a better camera...
4. Learn to speak French.
Good luck! I want to learn Swedish, but it isn't taught here ): But I might learn French next year in high school...
5. Go to a Nashville Predators game, like I used to.
Sounds fun (:
6. Read 30 books (I never read, it's about time I started).
READING IS FUN DO ITTTT. <3333 *loves to read* I suggest I Am The Cheese by Robert Cormier. It's....weird xD
7. Blog once for every day of the year (more of a 'personal journal' type thing, for me, to remember the good days).
I stole this one from you xD That's actually why I have this!
8. Pay off ALL of my bills before Summer.
Boo bills. I don't have any (yay for being thirteen! xD), but I need to make some money so I can buy the things I want D8
9. Buy a banjo.
Aha, the banjo 8D Sounds fun!
10. GO TO THE ZOO (I've been wanting to go since my senior year in high school and still haven't gone).
Animals! I love the zoo :D But I feel bad when they make animals like polar bears stay outside ):
11. Work harder than I did in 2007.
Need to do that too! My grades are already improving, only three B's so far this year (compared to 4+ C's school last year), but I want a 4.0 GPA. *needs to stop goofing off*
12. Save money and learn how to invest it for when I'm older and will need it.
Good luck! I need to MAKE some money first xD
13. Put ALL of my cd collection on my iPod.
I need to download all my music on Napster @_@ I have 700+ songs on Napster and only about 350 on my iPod ):
14. Learn to play piano better.
Ohh. I want to learn to play the guitar. But for some reason, I'm too embarrassed to tell my mom...xD
Good luck with all your resolutions! :D
go now.
i never make resoloutions. i can never keep them.
this year, my resiloution is to come up with a good thing to resolve to do, and actually DO it.
also, i vote you read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. it's sort of a religous book, but me, i'm not religous in any way and it's my favourite. it's more about creating your own reality than any sort of 'God' thing.
You should read any book by Dean Koontz. He's an amazing author. :)
My resolutions would have to be:
1. Eat healthier. (I love me some junk food. lol)
2. Exercise more.
3. See BG live in concert for the first time. ;D
4. Travel more, out of the state. (I never go anywhere.)
5. Stop being so critical about everything. Just live life.
if you read any good books, post them here.
i need new books
Resolution for 2008: Meet Chad =]
ooo and im studying french right now. we can make a study session together, yeah?
did you ever finish reading 'sex, drugs, & cocoa puffs'?
My 2008 resolutions:
1. Stop procrastinating ( at least a little bit)
2. Save money for rainy days instead of spending it all on iTunes the minute I get any.
3. Keep my New Year's resolutions
and my French class would be fun if my teacher wasn't crazy.
Yay for new years resolutions.
here's mine, so far
1. Work out daily
2. Try to eat better
3. Try to discuss things more openly with people (i.e. feelings and such)
4. Go to more shows
5. Make a lot of new friends
6. Help someone out, even if it's in the smallest way possibly
7. Get another tattoo. (Odd one, I know)
8. Save money for things I need and college
9. Start looking into colleges
10. Find a new job
11. Go somewhere exciting
My resolution?
Have as much fun as I can, without getting too crazy. I've just been realizing how fast life goes. This year I'm gonna live it up :)
i have two resolutions this year.
1. make a list of everything I MUST DO in 2008 and complete that list.
2. not break anything thats valuable or expensive.
(i broke a camera, a cell phone, a printer, and my wall. its broke. and 74896494 other useless things)
french is a very fun language... but i might warn you this: anyone who tries to say anything in french to you with characters that look like this [è] has copy pasted it from a translation site. [;
american keyboards don't have those characters. unless they know the alt codes for each, which is doubtful.
have a wonderful new years, chad.
books you have to read:
Franny and Zooey
Nine Stories
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Tuesdays with Morrie
The Kite Runner
1984 (if you haven't already read it)
Chronicles: Volume One (Bob Dylan)
Wouldn't it be Nice: My Own Story (Brian Wilson)
The Rest is Noise by Alex Ross
Eat, Pray, Love (i haven't read this one yet, but i hear it's really good)
i kind of went overboard...
oh well.
I'm hoping to read more this year too. If you want some suggestions, Chuck Klosterman is pretty great. He writes non fiction, pop culture essays. For fiction, Vonnegut, Salinger, Hemingway, Kerouac.
I voted for you Chad! You seem to be in the lead by far. (: Congratz, and keep on playing.
I love your music more than anything.
my resolutions:
1) be who i want to be
2) buy more hard copies of albums
3) work out more
4) hug more people
5) tell my best friend that i hate how much i don't see him
6) listen to good wholesome music more, like BG
and my favorite?
7) read this blog everyday =]]
I'm slow at this stuff so my resloution is to get real buff before lacrosse season so I can make varsity and kick some ass. Memorize all the bg songs. Tell this kid to stop using me and finally be scener then ever
So its already an houriish into 010108 and Im already getting anxious.
Thats how big of a nerd I am.
Cant wait till dailight when youll most likely post.
Ooops Forgot...
Start enjoying this ahmazing year to come, and start breaking your resolutions.... xDKidding.
Make sure you keep up the blog post :]]
Happy '08
dear chad,
this is for you.
post # 002. <3
love, me.
YAY!! big announcent(s) later today =D
I have alot of resolutions, but they tend not to be resolved by years end
so heres 8 of them for 08:
1.learn to play my guitar something other than Harry Potter
3.gain confidence
4.attempt to get a job
6.take risks
7.see backseat goodbye, if you ever come to Toronto Canada =) the entire dvd set of FRIENDS series
i'll go to the zoo with you. <3
& you should read "The Looking Glass Wars"
thats sooo great!
i'm so happy for you!
as for new years revolutions?
to become a vegitarian
Oh Chad. I must say you have come a long way.
I've liked your music since the first time I heard you. Which was a little over two years ago.
I don't know if I'm the biggest fan, but I still love your stuff.
I hope you go the distance... You deserve it.
<3 Kaitlyn.
chad, dear, you are already slacking on your resolutions && its only the third of the year.
7. Blog once for every day of the year (more of a 'personal journal' type thing, for me, to remember the good days).
I'm blogging for every day too. x] <33 Good luck with everything, can't wait to get the albums.
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