So below you'll find how I'm planning to do these blog for this year.
And I mentioned this before, but just to make it clear...
I WILL be blogging every single day of 2008...
however, I will only be making posts once a week, on every Tuesday, of every week.
But yeah, below is the post for this past week, enjoy :)
- Wednesday, 01/02/08 -

(Bedroom before leaving)
The second day of the year was a cold but sunny one.
It drizzled snow here in Murfreesboro for most of the morning.
Today I started really getting ready for my trip to California...
I have yet to begin packing though, I figure I'll save that for the day I'm planning to leave, which is Friday.
I bought U2's "The Joshua Tree" today at the lovely Target in town,
and I took a longer drive than usual tonight simply because of how amazing of a night drive album it is.
While I was driving I started to think about my drive to California that's coming up (which is a 32 hour drive total) and started to get quite stoked for the trip.
Most people would probably dread a 32 hour drive alone,
but to be honest, I couldn't be more excited.
I just know that the trip is literally going to be the actual starting point of the next step for Backseat Goodbye.
I can't fucking wait to get to Encinitas, get my studio built, and get started on recording the new album.
Other than that, today has been quite uneventful.
Tomorrow is set to be what I'm calling my "Goodbye Day".
I'm going to be hanging out with some of my close friends here for the last time before I leave.
Plus I think tomorrow I'll begin the first stages of packing.
Hell, I really don't know how to pack for the next two to three months of my life.
We'll see how it goes.
Until tomorrow...
- Thursday, 01/03/08 -
Sometimes plans don't go as planned,
regardless I try to make the best of them.
By the time afternoon hit, "Goodbye Day" (as I called it), had turned into a mess.
Pretty much all of my friends the day was revolved around ended up having to work.
Long story short, I was bummed.
BUT, fear not...
because by the end of the day it all turned around and I ended up seeing Juno with two of my roomates.
Let me just say, Juno, was an amazing movie.
I'll definitely be buying the soundtrack on iTunes today for my trip to Californialand.
Speaking of that trip,
I'm leaving for it tonight, at midnight.
And actually, I didn't know about it until yesterday, but there are literally terrible thunderstorms and fucking blizzards on my route.
But of course, Roxy and I ("Roxy" is what I've named my car), shall still journey on...
so hopefully our trip will stay smooth the whole way.
Other than seeing that movie, nothing exciting really happened today....
I can assure you though, by the time Friday through Sunday roll around I'll have better stuff to type about.
- Friday, 01/04/08 -
Today's the day...
or, tonight's the night, rather.
I'm putting the finishing touches on packing, and in about an hour or two I'll be on the road to California.
My route for the trip is luckily putting me just under all of the bad weather in the West, so it's looking to hopefully be a smooth trip still.
We'll see how it goes.
- Saturday, 01/05/08 -
The trip began at around 11pm.
It was the first time I've ever almost came to tears closing the door as I left friends.

I drove until about 5:30am and decided it was a good time to stop before I ended up with my car flipped upside down in a ditch.
So I stopped off at a rest stop just outside of Texas, somewhere in Arkansas.
I got some terribly uncomfortable sleep for about an hour (I couldn't lean my seat back because of how much music equipment was in my back seat, so I tried laying down in a quite awkward position sideways in both of my front seats with my center console making quite the ugly obstacle to manuever my body on without it becoming immediately unbearable to lay on) and then I decided to just go get a room for a few hours.
I then found myself at a lovely trashy Motel 6 about two miles up the road.
It took me about 5 seconds to fall asleep once my head hit the pillow.
Noon came and I woke up, packed up the stuffed I carried with me to the room, checked out and hit the road again.
Texas is the longest drive ever, but it did set me up with some fucking beautiful scenery...
In the last breath of the sunset I was driving past some giant "spinning silos" (or at least that's what I've decided to call them, since I don't know what the hell they actually are)...
and it was just, well.... great.

I stopped again around midnight just inside New Mexico.
Sleep ensued.
- Sunday, 01/06/08 -
7am rolled around and I woke up, and got back to the road again.
New Mexico and Arizona were just as boring of a drive as Texas...
except in Arizona I was amused by the "THE THING?" signs that lead me through the state...
one day I definitely plan to stop there when I drive through again, just so I can see how dissapointing it is (because if I remember right, there was an episode of Nickelodeon's Doug, where they were on a road trip and Doug wanted to stop quite bad to see this thing they had advertised for a million miles on his family's trip to somewhere and they went to it, and it was an old potato or something).
I crossed the California state line and the weather was pretty alright,
the sun could be seen every few miles through the clouds and the sky was at least somewhat blue in spots.
Then I got to the damn rocky mountain hills of just outside San Diego and all hell broke loose.
The wind was a bitch, then it decided to start raining like a whore.
It sucked, but I made it through.

So, long story short, I made a 30 hour trip in two days.
By the time I arrived in Encinitas around 4pm I was basically spaced out like a champion.
So I settled in for a bit...
Later a drive was had down by the ocean with me and a couple of others.
This is all I could think to say about how it felt...
I look out the window to my right and can see white from the ocean's waves,
the others in the car are singing just as loud as me...
It's raining and cold, but even with the windows down we don't seem to notice it's night, the sun might as well be shining brighter than it ever has...
It's times like this I realize I've finally made my way back home.
I love California so much, I've never missed a place other than Tennessee before...
and after being back for not even a day I can fully say that I now know I do have two homes.
If only they both weren't on opposite sides of the country....
- Monday, 01/07/08 -
So today was my first full day in good 'ol Encinitas, California.
I slept in and it was lovely.
I woke up and had my first solo drive in the town,
and my first stop was to get some lunch at the always awesome Jack In The Box.
After that my "personal manager" and good friend, Ian, got off work and with that followed at trip to Target where I bought some essentials; shampoo & conditer (to keep my hair nice and clean, duh), a new pillow (and I wanted a Spiderman pillow case, but my hopes were dashed), and of course the ever necessary Season 3 Part 2 of Entourage.
- By the way a big high five to Target for having some quite lovely ladies shopping there
Then we went to Guitar Center where I priced some recording equipment and various instruments.
Then it was time for grocery shopping.
That was pretty much it, not tooooooo much excitement.
So that's it for this week.
And actually I'd like to let you know,
that these WILL get quite a bit more interesting....
because now I am finally in California, and recording will begin next week.
And so you know,
as of TODAY, you can officially buy "Red Balloon" the single on iTunes,
so feel free to get that for just 99 cents, it's the full-quality version, and I'd be more than glad to see it make it in the iTunes Top 100 Folk Songs Chart ;)
as of today, if you pick up the newest issue (the February Issue - with Paramore on the cover) of Alternative Press magazine you can find little 'ol me on page 34 in the AP&R section!
So be sure to check back next Tuesday when I'll be posting the next of these blogs.
I'll have a lot more photos and possibly even a special video to share with you all too ;)
glad to hear your year has started off well, excited to be reading more blogs from you soon =)
ahhhh! love the title. and ive been waiting since 4 for this little bloggy. :D
and we miss you out here in the mid-west-ish place.
I must say, Juno was definetly amazing. It arrived in our theatre on Friday, and my friends and I were dying to see it, so we went, thinking it wouldn't be that busy.
Turns out, the theatre was PACKED, and we were not dissappointed in the least.
This blog made my day! so excited!
it is nice to hear of ur stories!
its kl to read! and not borin at all!
Im happy to hear your doing well :)
I'm glad to hear you made it to Cali safe. (:
Juno was amazing, mannnnn. I loved it.
-by the way.
I agree. Target is amazing! xD
that sounds like a cool trip chad. i love road trip and seeing new landscapes and sunsets.
happy tuesday.
wml natalie
So i just discovered your band thanks to the AP, and to rocket summer, I love your music and i must say its great that you let your fans know everything you do
liking the format reference.
and then, even though i guess this was the downer spot in your thoughts, it made me smile:
"The wind was a bitch, then it decided to start raining like a whore."
i SERIOUSLY need to see Juno.
i'm forcing my sister on Thurs. or Fri. without a doubt.
if it's at my theatre.. i should check that.
i totally know what Doug episode you're talking about.
i can't believe that's off the air now:(
good luck in California, Chaddd.
i couldn't be any more excited!
That part about Doug made me laugh, I remember that episode lol. And I agree about Juno, it was a pretty awesome movie.
Lastly, it's nice to know you're having a good time in Cali. Too bad it's raining here.
...Well in northern California at least.
Your trip sounds like it's been pretty exciting so far. :)
I saw Juno Saturday night, and I do have to agree the movie and the tunes were quite awesome, if I do say so myself.
That picture you have of the sunset in Texas is quite lovely, and if you go SEE "THE THING", make sure you take a picture of it so we can all see! :)
glad you made it to california safe :]
and juno was a great movie, it made me look at my life a little more.
i thought that the weather was going to hit you, it nearly killed nor cal :\
well, i'm glad you made it to the sunny state in stable conditions.
and i'm so fucking excited for you and your studio and the rest of your career.
congrats, chad!
i'm glad you're safe and happy
i'm jealous though, i'd kill to be in california
Glad your trip was safe and all that jazz. Bought Red Balloon on iTunes. I already had it from downloading on Purevolume but I like showing artists support. I showed my boyfriend the blog you posted on your personal page about it; I thought he would enjoy the style and the message.
Glad you made it to California. I'll have to go see Juno. Well I can't wait for next weeks blogs!
I'm glad you forgot about me on the 3rd. yah that hurts ;) haha kidding. Have fun friend. Take some more happy pictures.
I wish I could take a 32 hour roadtrip by myself. It must have been inspiring in a lot of ways. and lmao at the Doug reference hahah. I'm glad to hear that things are finally working out as you wished they would; keep it up :]
DOUG! HAhaha! Why did nothing ever work out for him? I remember a dream he had about Patty Mayonnaise on a game show and she had a choice of studying with her favorite teacher, washing her hair, or going on a date with Doug
ANYWAY, All the luck in the world to you Chad, you deserve it.
I'm pretty sure that you said Swingset Acrobat EP would be on iTunes December 11 07 and then you moved it to January 8th. and today is Jan. 8 and its still not up. Instead... Red Balloon is up. What gives? Two delays?
juno was amazinngg.
and the soundtrack is one of my all-time faves now.
doug was my favorite show when i was little hahaha.
californiaaa is rad :]
im glad you like it so far, i went there on vacation with my family this past year.
i will be getting red balloon later tonight :] im stokedd for it.
Well...i'm glad you made it to California!
It must be great there!
and I can't believe your actually becoming something so big,that its incredible!
So good luck in California and recording your record also your next blog!
Peace Out and Good Luck,
Jemma Riley.
oh, chad. I have been looking forward to this blog for a week! and then... of course, after DAYS of waiting for this, I was terribly distracted... all freakin day. then I was like "Oh my! It's Tuesday! I sure better get on and check Chad's new blog!" and now my day is complete. glad to hear you made it safely to cali-town. I wish you the best of luck as you begin recording. you deserve this new album to turn out as amazing as you are! have a wonderful week.
until next tuesday,
ahhh, chad!
i wish you the best!
i was waiting for this all last week! :)
can't wait to read your next blog!
best of luck to you in cali (:
I agree that Juno was quite a good movie and Target is an amazing store <33
Can't wait to heat more from you
I *love* that Doug episode! And Doug in general, I want to see The Thing too haha. Also, Juno is an amazing movie, and the soundtrack is loads of amazing as well.
I can't wait to hear about recording!
let me just say, that you made my day 392479023 times better.
today for me totally sucked. just one of those days. i had an early date with my pillow, until i remembered it was blog day! and cheered me up.
so thank you(:(:
ps... i know exactly what doug episode your talking about. iluffhim.
Mmm, I love Juno also.=))
Wow, I'm so happy for you.
You're going on a brilliant adventure, and seem to be enjoying it ever so much.
I like journey-ing in my car too. Her name is Susie-Lee. She is so sweet.
Driving in the night time is pretty spectacular too. That is my life at the moment, as in, driving in the car with my friends, with the music up loud and the wind in my hair.
We also go visit pretty water places.
Anyway, I'm glad you are having an amazing trip, and i'm quite glad you are sharing your life with us.
P.S. I am totally agreeing with the spiderman pillow cover.
I would like my bed spread cover to be spiderman (not because i'm obsessed with him. I promise i'm not. I just get excitde about him sometimes, but i don't know why) But, they don't sell queen sized bed covers in spiderman or anything cool these days.
It kinda sucks.
everything seems to be going pretty well for you even at the start of the trip.
Juno isn't out over here yet but i may check out the soundtrack on itunes beforehand.
Trust you to be checking out the ladies =p
hope you have another good week xx
California is amazing. Just be sure to come back and play some shows in Tennessee, ok?
I remember that episode of doug.
It was a potato in the shape of a bat.
Good to hear you're doing well ;D
Juno was amazing. haha Target is fun. Me and my friends dress up and then walk there. fun fun.
Thats how mature we are. :)
I am going to be reading these everyweek,
With people, like celebrities, do you ever get that feeling that you know them but they don't know you.
That's kinda how i feel about you.
So anyway, blogs are great, red balloon is amazing!
also, haha love your party about az, i live there and yes it is very boring. but parts are cool, i personally like flaggstaff, its not like a huge city but it has some pretty cool people, also sedona's is gorgous, but filled with tourists who arent exactly the smartest people in the world, who stop and take pictures in the middle of the road =)
so anyway...i'm glad your doing so great! =D
You ever heard that rap song that goes; "my life be like ewwwww, ahhhh, ewwww ahhhh"
I was thinking, you should seriously cover that song.
And I hope your trip is fun. :)
i LOVE that episode of doug :]
Juno was amazing, I also can't wait to get the soundtrack.
Your trip sounds GREAT. seriously.
good luck alwayss.
i saw juno on satuday, it was so amazing.
i hope things work out in californication =]
haha well this was very cool. I'm going to see Juno this weekend.
The main thing that stuck out to me trhoug this all, why I don't know, but I remember that episode of Doug too. I miss that show. Good stuff.
Have fun !
I'm so glad you love CA, especially Encinitas! I used to spend summers down there with family. If you get hungry, make sure you eat some Rubio's fish tacos. They're the best!
Best of luck!
the next time you come to omaha we should have a little entourage watching party.
i recently got into that show not that long ago and it's sweet.
glad the trip went well
and love the doug reference :]
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