Tuesday, June 3, 2008

After School Special.

Here's an update on my lack of "updates" lately....

Early last week my Macbook's hard drive decided to basically die.
This is a very bad thing for various reasons...
but the main ones being:
- ALL of my important files are on that computer (and I had NOT backed most of them up on my external hard drive)
- By "important files" I actually mean what I'm saying... as all of my Backseat Goodbye demos, a ton of new lyrics, almost all of my poems and writings for my upcoming book.... ALL of that stuff was on that hard drive that died
- Not to mention that I was supposed to send all of my files for my book to the publisher to be printed this week

So here I am.
It's June 3rd.
My book comes out on June 10th.
And it's files aren't even to the printer yet.
Don't forget that my Macbook is still being fixed now.

So I'm basically having to wait until my laptop is fixed and sent back to me before I can send off everything to be printed. Supposedly it's going to be back to me in mint condition by the end of this week.

If all works out like I'm hoping it will,
then I'll actually get my Macbook back by the end of the week and I'll be able to get a rush order in to the publisher and my book will be printed on time still and everything's just peachy.
If not, then obviously the book will be ready a few days late.

So, just in case you've preordered my book,
there's the story. I'm doing everything in my power to make sure it arrives to your hands on time.... but if it's a few days late, then I sincerely apologize.
Hopefully you can understand that there's no way I could have seen this computer problem coming.

From now on I will be backing up every file everyday on my external hard drives...
I know that much.

Other than that,
over the last week I've basically just literally been freaking out about all of the above over and over and over and over again. I've been able to at least get online and keep up with my emails and messages through my BlackBerry, iPod Touch, and my good ol' Dell laptop (it barely works, but it does work nonetheless).

I recieved the test copy printing of my book a few days ago...
it's basically just a little 34 page preview for me that has allowed me to make sure I like the fonts I used and the cover and everything is printed right.
I haven't let anyone see it yet, other than the cover.

And the more I think about it...
the more scared I am about this release.
"Scared" is a bad word to describe that....
I think I'm just more awkwardly curious as to what people will think of the book.
Because really, no one has seen about 99% of it.
I'm used to testing songs out and letting friends hear them...
but with this, it's completely unseen by anyone but me.
It's a great new feeling actually.

Sorry this post doesn't have photos or anything actually interesting to look at...
I have no way of uploading photos right now since my lovely Macbook is being fixed.

by the way,
for those that have been asking,
tomorrow I'll be sharing when you'll be able to get my new album, "Dressed Up Like Dreams", on iTunes....
so lookout for that ;)

- Chad


Anonymous said...

I really hope everything works out for you..


Anonymous said...

needed to tell you i'm in love with the cd and cannot wait for the book :]
good luck with your computer things btw! that's rough >.<

Anonymous said...

don't forget- take your hard drive to a really, really good technician. sometimes even if they're dead you can scrape up something.

Ash Gatsby said...

That sucks, I'm really sorry.

But, I just got your tshirt and cd yesterday in the mail, and I am super happy about that. :]

If I can order your book, it'll probably make my life:] ha, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Do you know where we will be able to find your book, other than at your online store?
I can't wait, you're new songs are amazing and Im excited to read your book =]

Anonymous said...

I Have your cd & the shirt.
(The cd is amazing, by the way. The shirt is pretty neat, too.)
Though I'm terribly horrified to use either because I don't want to ruin them.
(I'm a disaster).

My friend, Christie, and I are ordering your book. I can't wait to read it.

Congradulations on everything Chad.


Anonymous said...

well, this information about backing up files is good to know for my future reference D:
so thank you for thattt.

tilly and the wall album. get it.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I can't do anything. Last Friday a tornado went through my town and we just got our power back a half and hour ago. I have exams next week and projects due that require the computer. Oh well, I hope everything works out with your book and computer. I'll have to order your book.

Anonymous said...

Nice.I hope it works out.I can not wait for the book I've been excited for way too long I want it in my hands : )
I am getting the C.D on Itunes today.