Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello, Yellow.

Despite being sick for most of the last week, some quite awesome things happened.
I can't really discuss what happened due to it being a surprise...
but I can tell you that if you head to www.backseatgoodbye.com you'll find the first clues.
There's more to be found at the BG forums at forum.backseatgoodbye.com

It rained here a lot of the past week, but the sun has finally seemed to find its way back to Encinitas.
I've been working on getting decent on the banjo, and finally have a song I'm really happy with that has some simple, yet sweet banjo in it (i think).
Here are the lyrics to it, nothing mindblowing, just simple and somewhat pretty,

"Hello, Yellow"
Hello, How are you?
I'm pretty sure we should be best friends
I'll walk you to school
And tell you "You look pretty." each new day
We'll learn about philosophy by drawing on our arms
And build ourselves an alright house made out of uno cards
They'll say we're unconventional and maybe a little crazy
We'll ask them what's wrong with that, Yeah, We'll ask them what's wrong with that
Hello, How are you?
I'm pretty sure we should be best friends
I'll walk you to the store
And buy you fancy clothes and shiny pins
We'll learn about biology by taking off our clothes
And buy some yellow spraypaint to make a yellow brick road
They'll say we're three dimensional and maybe a little lazy
We'll ask them what's wrong with that, Yeah, We'll ask them what's wrong with that
Hello, How are you?
I'm pretty sure that we should be best friends
I'll walk you to the ocean
And make you a sand castle to live in
We'll learn about geography by sleeping in the grass
Our bodies'll twitch to wake us up when we fall asleep too fast
They'll say we're unbelieveable and maybe a little trendy
We'll ask them what's wrong with that, Yeah, We'll ask them what's wrong with that
Hello, How are you?
I'm pretty sure you're pretty much all I need

The main inspiration for the song was definitely the simplicity of the songs on the Juno soundtrack (which is a great set of songs, by the way).

But yeah, that's that.

Random look on the last week, ready... go.

After seeing Juno for the second time the other day, I decided I have a crush on Ellen Page.

I've started collecting some of my older poems together and written a good bit of new ones for that book I've mentioned. I've got a name for it that I really like and will definitely share that with you all soon. And I think there's a really really good possibility I'll have it finished and published by the time I head out on my BG Spring tour, hopefully.

Since I got sick last week everything with recording has been postponed, so now I'm going to actually begin tracking for the new album first thing next week.... so right now I'm just polishing up songs and taking extra time to get used to the new equipment.

Saw Cloverfield, finally. Great movie. Awesome monster and little monsters (personally the little monsters looked a little scarier to me).

Sorry, this still isn't exactly a super exciting blog, 
to be honest, everything just keeps setting me back from the fun stuff (getting sick, etc, etc, etc)...
but I have finally been able to get the exciting stuff in its prepping stages for you all,
so get ready for a good line of just straight awesome stuff coming week after week starting with next Tuesday ;)

Randomness, over.

Alright, all I've got left to say really, is that THIS Thursday I'm going to be doing a live interview/performance on the ever-popular DJ Rossstar's Punk Rock Show on www.idobiradio.com. And I haven't really mentioned this, but YOU get to ask the questions that Rossstar will be asking me, all you have to do is IM him on AIM during the show at the screename staridobi and there's a good chance your question will get asked :)

The show starts at 7pm (PST) / 10pm (EST) on Thursday and is an hour long.
You can listen from ANYWHERE in the world, just go to www.idobiradio.com and in the top right corner you can choose which player you want to listen from, click the link for iTunes or Realplayer and then after a few seconds your player will automatically start playing the show :)

If you've got any questions about the show just let me know.

Shake and bake,

Friday, January 25, 2008

A bit of hope from midnight time.

It's 12:07am on the West Coast right now.
My nose is runny, I've got to get up early, but nonetheless I felt compelled to write the following simple message to you all. (It's a short piece from that poem book I'm working on, the one I mentioned in my previous entry.)

Love your life. 
Every last bit of it...
the good, the bad, the rain, the kissing, the movies, the books, the pretty lights, the runny noses, and water hoses.
Shopping malls, and the magic of pen on paper.
How you can make words appear as if from nowhere.
How you can find love and how love can find you.
Nights alone and afternoons with friends.
The busiest, most annoying, lackluster day of your life and the fact that you made it through in one piece.
Being able to laugh that day off when a worse one comes your way.
Sight, sound, hope, and the feeling of your feet on the ground.
Love it all,
because you only get one.

I hope you all wake up to a fucking glorious Friday morning, pass on a smile or two, you'd be suprised how much it could brighten someone else's day.

- Chad

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Make A Plan To Love Me.

Just in case if there wasn't already enough proof that I am a nerd, 
here's me dressed as a Wizard dressing as a Muggle for the Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows book release last year.

Last night I was laying in bed (and by bed I mean couch, and technically you can't lay IN a couch, but you can lay on one)...
and anyways....
I realized I've already been in California for two weeks.
It's seemed liked shorter, but I guess sometimes time flies.

I'm going to begin actually tracking songs for my new album sometime this week.
I've finally become quite comfortable with all my new recording equipment and after about a week of just messing around with knobs and buttons to see what all this stuff can do it's time to actually get down to business.
I've got a ton of songs demoed (somewhere around 70) and am choosing from those.
I think that anywhere from 11 to 14 sounds like a good number to actually put on the album.

I still have no idea what I want the title to be for that album.

I wanted to clear something up,
simply because I could see how it could get confusing...
like I've mentioned before, I'm releasing TWO albums this year.
The first is already completely finished, has a title, artwork, everything...
and it's somewhat of a re-release of songs as well as a good bit of new songs,
and it will be coming out this Spring.

Now, the other album is the one I'm working on now, it is a full length album and will feature all new songs.
So just to make sure you know, when I say I'm working on songs for the new album, I'm talking about this one...
and it will be coming out this Summer.

Touring is finally in the works.
I've said I'd be touring non-stop and meant it...
that will all begin just before or just at the beginning of Spring.
Sometime around early March.

Also, also, also...
I mentioned how I'd have a video for you this week, well, I don't...
BUT I do have a song clip for you...
It's of a track that I have yet to give a name to yet that's a good potential song for the new album,
and you can hear/download the clip at www.backseatgoodbye.com/democlip.html
And sorry about no video, I keep forgetting to get a firewire cable for my camcorder, but I will have one soon and then videos will follow :)

On another note....
one that doesn't really deal with my music....
last night I finally had a "Eureka!!!!" bright idea moment at around midnight.
I've been wanting to write a book for the longest time,
and I've started on a couple, but have only written through the first few chapters and drew a blank.
Out of nowhere I decided exactly what I wanted to do, because I love writing lyrics, but sometimes they just don't work out with music so I suppose they just technically become words with no song, a.k.a. poems.
And I've got tons lying around (and by lying around I mean on my hard drive, because it's so much easier to type words than actually write them down.)
So anyways, what I'm getting at, is....
I've decided that sometime in the near future I will be self-publishing and releasing a book of poems.
I never really realized how powerful just reading words without music could be until I stumbled upon a man named Saul Williams while reading one of Amanda Palmer's blogs.
And by "in the near future" I mean, I'll hopefully be releasing sometime early this Spring...
I've never self-published a book, so I've still got some figuring out to do on that, and I've still got to get a lot in order to bring it all together,...
but just know that I'm quite excited about it, and if you like my lyrics or have every read any of my blogs with some of my poetry in it I think you'll really dig this.
I've got a title and cover for it already, but I'm going to keep those a secret for a little while longer.
But yeah, look out for more on that soon :)

That's all I've got for this week,
be sure to check out the song clip and let me know what you think of it :)


Thursday, January 17, 2008

For the thrill of the fall.

Is it bad that when it comes to everyday life outside of Backseat Goodbye everything becomes a blur?

I tried taking a different approach to keeping up with journaling/blogging for this past week...
and I'm finding now that it really doesn't work for me.
Instead of just typing out a blog for each day (see I actually type a new text file for everyday of the week to keep up with this "Blog for every single day of 2008" resolution I've decided to keep, and usually I type out a full blog that's at least a few paragraphs) but this week I decided to save time by just making a list of notable occurances for each day.

However, like I mentioned, that doesn't work for me.
I'm sitting here trying to recollect the Wednesday through yesterday and it's not working.

See, it's always been a blur when it comes to BG, because I've been doing this pretty much on my own (it's only until the past few months that I've finally decided help from other people isn't a bad thing) ever since the beginning.
So it's me keeping up with recording, shows, merch, designs, websites, blogs, messages, emails, budgets, equipment, blah, blah, and blah....
so it's easy for that to kind of form into one big blur. 
So much so that I write enough notes to myself and reminders, and more notes on iCalendar to fill the seats at a Led Zeppelin re-union concert.

Anyways, what I'm getting at...
is that I never thought that life outside of music would become a blur.
And it's not that I'm doing so much stuff each day that it's hard for me to decrompress it all into one little nice memory package on my brain hard drive ChadSuggVersion1.0...
but I'm just having trouble keeping up with it all.

It's nothing I'm worried about at all, it's just something I've noticed.

this week not much happened on the music front.
It was basically just a week of settling into my new surroundings again.
There was a celebration dinner at Benihana's,
an exhausting run up and down, up and down, up and down, and up and down one more time to start the "working out" part of my resolutions,
dive bar karaoke in downtown San Diego (just watching, not participating),
Hot Rod (STUNT IT!!!),
me being hesitant to drive around town alone simply because I don't know where anything is (and eventually getting over that fear to end up driving for a couple of hours up and down the 101 the other night),
finding my new favorite spot in the entire world,
buying hard drives for my Macbook and taking them back to get new ones because I bought the wrong one...
and that's a nice little wrap up for what actually happened.

Onto a more important matter...
my main reason of today's blog, because I also decided in the past few days that I don't want these weekly blogs to just be me giving a show and tell of my Monday through Fridays,...
nah, that's all in good fun, but I'd also like to give a little meaning to them when possible to.

So I thought I'd bring up something I noticed in a lot of comments and messages I recieved after I announced my distribution signing, and label and everything.

Which brings me to the term used a lot in the messages, "Selling Out", usually in the form "Please don't sell out, Chad"....

In response to those of you who wrote or even had that thought that my music may end up being compromised because of the heightening potential of bigger things...
I'd just like to say the following....

First off, thanks for even being concerned about that...
it's good to know you all care enough about the music you listen to that you don't want it to be changed due to money, fame, contracts, or whatever.
I can assure you that I still (AND will always make sure I have FULL artistic control over Backseat Goodbye) have full control over every aspect of my music.

I myself am very accustomed to the phrase "selling out" simply because aside of making music I also happen to love it as well.
I am just a big of a music fan as any of you... and I used to be scared of my favorite bands "selling out" when I was younger.

BUT, then as my music started to grow, and the industry started to change (and in case you didn't know, the music industry of today IS changing, I definitely believe some people are blowing it out of proportion when they say certain things, but like I said... it is changing).... i've started to realize that as a musician after you reach a certain level your music literally becomes your job, and basically makes your band a business with the product being the actual music.
And that does in turn mean, that money is needed to keep yourself fed, pay bills, record new albums, make merchandise to sell, and so on.
Now let me point out, in defense of myself (and actually I'd say a good percentage of musicians feel the same) that making music isn't about making money to begin with, and even after success comes and you quit your day job it's not about making money, it's about being able to do what you love for a living, but it is nice to be able to pay the bills.
But the money thing isn't the point...
see, like I noticed in messages, people think bands being on MTV is the band selling out...
and well, the truth is, for me at least, I would love to have the opportunity to have my music played on MTV...
simply because one reason I make music is to spread it...
not be super famous and have my music everywhere to be noticed, but instead to be heard.

And I'm bringing all of this up to simply say this...
I will NEVER compromise my music just to gain more fans...
so no worries, I will not be a "sell out".



I know it took me a few extra days to get this blog posted (sorry about that)...
I ended up buying the first bit of my recording equipment and spent the last two days screwing around with it and getting it all setup.
I'm SO fucking excited to start tracking songs for the new album...
and actually will be beginning that today.

And since this is such a scatterbrained post, I thought I'd mention....
THAT I TOTALLY GOT A SPIDERMAN PILLOWCASE, thanks again Target, that's just another reason why you're my favorite store.

(The equipment, boxed up and pretty)

(The setup, so far.)

(The gang.)

Next week I'll be sure to have the blog posted on time...
And I'll definitely have a video up to share as well with it.

Until next time.

- Chad

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Welcome to Paradise.

Somedays I wake up and eat cereal.
And then, some other days I wake up and realize I'm featured in a major magazine.

Hopefully that doesn't sound like bragging, because it's not supposed to...
It's just that yesterday the February Issue of Alternative Press hit stores across the world,
and I literally remembered and forgot that fact at least 30 times throughout the day because I'm so damn A.D.D.

But that was fun for me, because that meant I got excited like a little schoolgirl a bunch of times yesterday.

Ha. Actually, me and Ian were walking into Barnes & Noble here in Encinitas yesterday and as we were walking in I thought to myself "Why the hell are we at Barnes & Noble? What did we come here for?".... and then I remembered and thought, "Oh yeah, I'm in a fucking magazine, awesome."

(Here me with the wonderful issue.)

(Here's my, "Oh shit!? I'm in a magazine!" face)

So there's no real point to this post other than to say you should pick up a copy of the magazine, or just go check it out at the store if you're not a magazine buyer.

And thanks to all of you that have been awesome and sent me all the messages and emails about how excited you were to see me in the issue even before I announced it, I've been quite excited that you all even noticed ;)

So yeah, unless if I feel like another random post like this I'll just see you all back here next Tuesday when I post the blog for how the rest of this week goes :)

Shake and bake.
- Chad

P.S. - Hayley Williams, I don't know you personally, but I think we should go get some coffee together. Deal?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Faith In Fast Cars

So a week has gone by since my big announcement and now the time has come for my first real entry...

So below you'll find how I'm planning to do these blog for this year.
And I mentioned this before, but just to make it clear...
I WILL be blogging every single day of 2008...
however, I will only be making posts once a week, on every Tuesday, of every week.

But yeah, below is the post for this past week, enjoy :)

- Wednesday, 01/02/08 -

(Bedroom before leaving)

The second day of the year was a cold but sunny one.
It drizzled snow here in Murfreesboro for most of the morning.
Today I started really getting ready for my trip to California...
I have yet to begin packing though, I figure I'll save that for the day I'm planning to leave, which is Friday.

I bought U2's "The Joshua Tree" today at the lovely Target in town,
and I took a longer drive than usual tonight simply because of how amazing of a night drive album it is.

While I was driving I started to think about my drive to California that's coming up (which is a 32 hour drive total) and started to get quite stoked for the trip.
Most people would probably dread a 32 hour drive alone,
but to be honest, I couldn't be more excited.
I just know that the trip is literally going to be the actual starting point of the next step for Backseat Goodbye.
I can't fucking wait to get to Encinitas, get my studio built, and get started on recording the new album.

Other than that, today has been quite uneventful.
Tomorrow is set to be what I'm calling my "Goodbye Day".
I'm going to be hanging out with some of my close friends here for the last time before I leave.
Plus I think tomorrow I'll begin the first stages of packing.
Hell, I really don't know how to pack for the next two to three months of my life.
We'll see how it goes.

Until tomorrow...

- Thursday, 01/03/08 - 

Sometimes plans don't go as planned,
regardless I try to make the best of them.

By the time afternoon hit, "Goodbye Day" (as I called it), had turned into a mess.
Pretty much all of my friends the day was revolved around ended up having to work.
Long story short, I was bummed.

BUT, fear not...
because by the end of the day it all turned around and I ended up seeing Juno with two of my roomates.
Let me just say, Juno, was an amazing movie.
I'll definitely be buying the soundtrack on iTunes today for my trip to Californialand.

Speaking of that trip,
I'm leaving for it tonight, at midnight.
And actually, I didn't know about it until yesterday, but there are literally terrible thunderstorms and fucking blizzards on my route.
But of course, Roxy and I ("Roxy" is what I've named my car), shall still journey on...
so hopefully our trip will stay smooth the whole way.

Other than seeing that movie, nothing exciting really happened today....
I can assure you though, by the time Friday through Sunday roll around I'll have better stuff to type about.

- Friday, 01/04/08 -

Today's the day...
or, tonight's the night, rather.

I'm putting the finishing touches on packing, and in about an hour or two I'll be on the road to California.
My route for the trip is luckily putting me just under all of the bad weather in the West, so it's looking to hopefully be a smooth trip still.

We'll see how it goes.

- Saturday, 01/05/08 -

The trip began at around 11pm.
It was the first time I've ever almost came to tears closing the door as I left friends.

I drove until about 5:30am and decided it was a good time to stop before I ended up with my car flipped upside down in a ditch.
So I stopped off at a rest stop just outside of Texas, somewhere in Arkansas.
I got some terribly uncomfortable sleep for about an hour (I couldn't lean my seat back because of how much music equipment was in my back seat, so I tried laying down in a quite awkward position sideways in both of my front seats with my center console making quite the ugly obstacle to manuever my body on without it becoming immediately unbearable to lay on) and then I decided to just go get a room for a few hours.

I then found myself at a lovely trashy Motel 6 about two miles up the road.
It took me about 5 seconds to fall asleep once my head hit the pillow.
Noon came and I woke up, packed up the stuffed I carried with me to the room, checked out and hit the road again.

Texas is the longest drive ever, but it did set me up with some fucking beautiful scenery...
In the last breath of the sunset I was driving past some giant "spinning silos" (or at least that's what I've decided to call them, since I don't know what the hell they actually are)...
and it was just, well.... great.

I stopped again around midnight just inside New Mexico.

Sleep ensued.

- Sunday, 01/06/08 -

7am rolled around and I woke up, and got back to the road again.
New Mexico and Arizona were just as boring of a drive as Texas...
except in Arizona I was amused by the "THE THING?" signs that lead me through the state...
one day I definitely plan to stop there when I drive through again, just so I can see how dissapointing it is (because if I remember right, there was an episode of Nickelodeon's Doug, where they were on a road trip and Doug wanted to stop quite bad to see this thing they had advertised for a million miles on his family's trip to somewhere and they went to it, and it was an old potato or something).

I crossed the California state line and the weather was pretty alright,
the sun could be seen every few miles through the clouds and the sky was at least somewhat blue in spots.
Then I got to the damn rocky mountain hills of just outside San Diego and all hell broke loose.
The wind was a bitch, then it decided to start raining like a whore.
It sucked, but I made it through.

So, long story short, I made a 30 hour trip in two days.
By the time I arrived in Encinitas around 4pm I was basically spaced out like a champion.
So I settled in for a bit...

Later a drive was had down by the ocean with me and a couple of others.
This is all I could think to say about how it felt...

I look out the window to my right and can see white from the ocean's waves,
the others in the car are singing just as loud as me...
It's raining and cold, but even with the windows down we don't seem to notice it's night, the sun might as well be shining brighter than it ever has...
It's times like this I realize I've finally made my way back home.

I love California so much, I've never missed a place other than Tennessee before...
and after being back for not even a day I can fully say that I now know I do have two homes.
If only they both weren't on opposite sides of the country....

- Monday, 01/07/08 -

So today was my first full day in good 'ol Encinitas, California.
I slept in and it was lovely.

I woke up and had my first solo drive in the town,
and my first stop was to get some lunch at the always awesome Jack In The Box.

After that my "personal manager" and good friend, Ian, got off work and with that followed at trip to Target where I bought some essentials; shampoo & conditer (to keep my hair nice and clean, duh), a new pillow (and I wanted a Spiderman pillow case, but my hopes were dashed), and of course the ever necessary Season 3 Part 2 of Entourage.
- By the way a big high five to Target for having some quite lovely ladies shopping there

Then we went to Guitar Center where I priced some recording equipment and various instruments.

Then it was time for grocery shopping.

That was pretty much it, not tooooooo much excitement.


So that's it for this week.

And actually I'd like to let you know,
that these WILL get quite a bit more interesting....
because now I am finally in California, and recording will begin next week.

And so you know,
as of TODAY, you can officially buy "Red Balloon" the single on iTunes,
so feel free to get that for just 99 cents, it's the full-quality version, and I'd be more than glad to see it make it in the iTunes Top 100 Folk Songs Chart ;)

as of today, if you pick up the newest issue (the February Issue - with Paramore on the cover) of Alternative Press magazine you can find little 'ol me on page 34 in the AP&R section! 

So be sure to check back next Tuesday when I'll be posting the next of these blogs.
I'll have a lot more photos and possibly even a special video to share with you all too ;)


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Hi Everyone,
First off, welcome to the new year.
2007 was great, but 2008 is going to be ten thousand times better, if you ask me.

So this is it...
I've been holding in some of what I'm about to share for months, some for days, some for hours...
and there's no doubt about it, some of what I'm about to tell you all is literally the biggest stuff that's ever happened with Backseat Goodbye.
I've worked my ass off for the last few years, and it's gotten me here, to what will be the next level, and now it's time to work even harder.

Let me warn you, this isn't just a little bit of info I'm about to share...
it's a list of things...
and this isn't even all of the big news I have, this is just the bulk of it,
I figure I can save some other news for later ;)

So without further ado...
(this is where you should imagine a lovely little drumroll in your head...)

....wait, I need to take a deep breath, myself....

Okay, here it goes.

1. I have officially signed a worldwide distribution contract with The Militia Group (an amazing Independent label that's the home of some bands you might know: Brandston, Copeland, & Lovedrug... to name a select few) And let me point out, that this is just a distribution contract, so I'm NOT signed to The Militia Group, they will just be distributing my music to retail and online stores worldwide.

2. That brings me to this....
2008 marks the beginning of my own record label I am starting, called "The Winners Club", in which I'll be using to release my upcoming albums through. As of now Backseat Goodbye will be the only artist on the label, BUT later in 2008 I do plan to begin the process of adding other bands to the label. (So please know that I will still have FULL control of my music and that you're not losing me to some major label or anything ;)

3. With that said, I'm glad to say, that in 2008 I will be releasing TWO albums. One will be coming this Spring, and it will be a compilation of the best/most popular songs from all of my former EP releases (because all of my former cds have only been available online, and this will give them a chance to be in actual retail stores worldwide!)... plus the album will have previously unreleased tracks, a new demo, and new versions of a couple of quite rare songs too. I'll be giving you more info on this album quite soon, so look out for it!

4. And yes, I did say that this Spring that album I just mentioned will be available in actual large retail stores in select US cities... and if it sells well then it will be released worldwide very very soon after.

5. Now, I mentioned I'd be releasing TWO albums above. The second album I'll be releasing is going to be my debut full-length album, featuring all new songs, and it will be coming out Summer 2008! This full-length album will be available online and in-stores worldwide, and I can guarantee you that it WILL be the best work I've ever released... this album has songs I've been working on for months and years, just waiting for the right time to release them, and that time will come this summer. (More news to come on this album soon as well)

6. TOUR! After the release of each of the albums I will be touring, non-stop, all over the United States, and it's looking like Canada, Japan, and the UK too. I will have more info on that as soon as possible too.... just know that I can't wait to get on tour again to play these new songs (and of course the old ones) for you all.

7. If you pick up the February '08 Issue of Alternative Press Magazine (pictured below) you'll find me featured in the AP&R Section on page 34. (The issue hits stores January 8th!)

8. My most recent EP, "Good Morning, Sunshine", was just selected as one of the Top Ten Albums of 2007 by Los Angeles' Highware Daze Magazine, and will be featured in the January Issue.

So there you have it, I hope you're all as excited as I am and ready to do this with me.

Also, to let you know...
On the 3rd of this month I'll be driving out to Encinitas, CA where I'll be building a brand new little studio where I'll be recording my debut full-length I mentioned above. I'll be recording all the way through the end of February, and after I've wrapped the album up it will be time for everything else to start happening. (Plus, I've got some exciting ways in which I'll be sharing how the recording process is going, and I'll give you more info on that soon)

You probably noticed, or maybe you didn't, that I said I'll be blogging every single day of this year to give you all the most fucking real inside look of what I'm doing, what's going on, my boring life, how the music industry really works, and much much much more....
and the truth is that I WILL be blogging every single day, BUT what I'm going to do, so you don't have to come hear every day and read (because that's no fun, there's no waiting period to make you want to read it or anything)... 
so I'm going to post one blog a week, but that blog is going to be one big blog that will have every day of the previous week in it...

so it's sort of like how you wait for one day of the week to watch a certain new episode of a tv show, except instead of tv this is a blog... duh ;)

So, just so you know, EVERY Tuesday I'll post the new blog at 4pm (CST).... (and of course somtimes I might change the time a little if I'm busy, BUT I can promise that there will be a nice new lovely big blog here with photos, videos, inside jokes, lame movie quotes, and of course info of how life, BG, recording, touring and everything's going at some point of the day on EVERY Tuesday of 2008....
and it will exclusively be RIGHT HERE on this blog site....
so go ahead and bookmark this blog, or save the link or something, because I can promise these blogs won't be boring as hell ;)

AND one really important thing...
I WANT to know what you have to say, or what you think about what's happening.
I'll be reading every last comment every week...
and when I post new blogs if I see comments that caught my eye I'll point them out and respond to them in the new blogs.

So if you stop by and read these, then let me know!
I want to know I'm not writing to no one....
Like I've always said, I don't ever want to be singing alone, I always want every last one of you singing along with me.
That's one big reason why I'm going to be doing these blogs, because I really want you to know that I DO give a damn about what you think....
because I don't feel like there's anything in music today where people can actually feel like they're a part of it...
so I want to make sure you're a part of this exciting year with me, all the way through the ups & downs, parties, shows, songs, tears, laughs and whatever comes my way.

So that's it for this week.
Next week (on Tuesday @ 4pm) I'll be posting the next new blog,
and it will be the first with the format I mentioned above....
it will basically be a recap of January 1st through the 7th (with LOTS of photos) of my journey from TN to CA...
along with my first few days of settling in to where I'll be staying in Encinitas...
as well as the beginning of the recording plans for my debut full-length.

So, like I said, leave comments (all you have to do is click the little link "Comments" word below today's blog and you don't even have to sign up for anything to leave a comment...
just enter a name if you want and leave a comment, and BAM, you're done.

But yeah, feel free to let me know if you're as excited as I am!
2008 is going to be an AMAZING year!

I hope you all had a wonderful new years eve,...
and if 2007 wasn't that great for you, don't worry, I have a feeling this year is going to be good to all of us....
and if it doesn't want to be, then let's make it!

Love to you all...
and if you have a hangover, drink lots of water ;)
- Chad

ps - If you have friends that like my music, PLEASE tell them to check out this blog or be sure to tell them the news! :)