Is it bad that when it comes to everyday life outside of Backseat Goodbye everything becomes a blur?
I tried taking a different approach to keeping up with journaling/blogging for this past week...
and I'm finding now that it really doesn't work for me.
Instead of just typing out a blog for each day (see I actually type a new text file for everyday of the week to keep up with this "Blog for every single day of 2008" resolution I've decided to keep, and usually I type out a full blog that's at least a few paragraphs) but this week I decided to save time by just making a list of notable occurances for each day.
However, like I mentioned, that doesn't work for me.
I'm sitting here trying to recollect the Wednesday through yesterday and it's not working.
See, it's always been a blur when it comes to BG, because I've been doing this pretty much on my own (it's only until the past few months that I've finally decided help from other people isn't a bad thing) ever since the beginning.
So it's me keeping up with recording, shows, merch, designs, websites, blogs, messages, emails, budgets, equipment, blah, blah, and blah....
so it's easy for that to kind of form into one big blur.
So much so that I write enough notes to myself and reminders, and more notes on iCalendar to fill the seats at a Led Zeppelin re-union concert.
Anyways, what I'm getting at...
is that I never thought that life outside of music would become a blur.
And it's not that I'm doing so much stuff each day that it's hard for me to decrompress it all into one little nice memory package on my brain hard drive ChadSuggVersion1.0...
but I'm just having trouble keeping up with it all.
It's nothing I'm worried about at all, it's just something I've noticed.
this week not much happened on the music front.
It was basically just a week of settling into my new surroundings again.
There was a celebration dinner at Benihana's,
an exhausting run up and down, up and down, up and down, and up and down one more time to start the "working out" part of my resolutions,
dive bar karaoke in downtown San Diego (just watching, not participating),
Hot Rod (STUNT IT!!!),
me being hesitant to drive around town alone simply because I don't know where anything is (and eventually getting over that fear to end up driving for a couple of hours up and down the 101 the other night),
finding my new favorite spot in the entire world,
buying hard drives for my Macbook and taking them back to get new ones because I bought the wrong one...
and that's a nice little wrap up for what actually happened.
Onto a more important matter...
my main reason of today's blog, because I also decided in the past few days that I don't want these weekly blogs to just be me giving a show and tell of my Monday through Fridays,...
nah, that's all in good fun, but I'd also like to give a little meaning to them when possible to.
So I thought I'd bring up something I noticed in a lot of comments and messages I recieved after I announced my distribution signing, and label and everything.
Which brings me to the term used a lot in the messages, "Selling Out", usually in the form "Please don't sell out, Chad"....
In response to those of you who wrote or even had that thought that my music may end up being compromised because of the heightening potential of bigger things...
I'd just like to say the following....
First off, thanks for even being concerned about that...
it's good to know you all care enough about the music you listen to that you don't want it to be changed due to money, fame, contracts, or whatever.
I can assure you that I still (AND will always make sure I have FULL artistic control over Backseat Goodbye) have full control over every aspect of my music.
I myself am very accustomed to the phrase "selling out" simply because aside of making music I also happen to love it as well.
I am just a big of a music fan as any of you... and I used to be scared of my favorite bands "selling out" when I was younger.
BUT, then as my music started to grow, and the industry started to change (and in case you didn't know, the music industry of today IS changing, I definitely believe some people are blowing it out of proportion when they say certain things, but like I said... it is changing).... i've started to realize that as a musician after you reach a certain level your music literally becomes your job, and basically makes your band a business with the product being the actual music.
And that does in turn mean, that money is needed to keep yourself fed, pay bills, record new albums, make merchandise to sell, and so on.
Now let me point out, in defense of myself (and actually I'd say a good percentage of musicians feel the same) that making music isn't about making money to begin with, and even after success comes and you quit your day job it's not about making money, it's about being able to do what you love for a living, but it is nice to be able to pay the bills.
But the money thing isn't the point...
see, like I noticed in messages, people think bands being on MTV is the band selling out...
and well, the truth is, for me at least, I would love to have the opportunity to have my music played on MTV...
simply because one reason I make music is to spread it...
not be super famous and have my music everywhere to be noticed, but instead to be heard.
And I'm bringing all of this up to simply say this...
I will NEVER compromise my music just to gain more fans...
so no worries, I will not be a "sell out".
I know it took me a few extra days to get this blog posted (sorry about that)...
I ended up buying the first bit of my recording equipment and spent the last two days screwing around with it and getting it all setup.
I'm SO fucking excited to start tracking songs for the new album...
and actually will be beginning that today.
And since this is such a scatterbrained post, I thought I'd mention....
THAT I TOTALLY GOT A SPIDERMAN PILLOWCASE, thanks again Target, that's just another reason why you're my favorite store.

(The equipment, boxed up and pretty)

(The setup, so far.)

(The gang.)
Next week I'll be sure to have the blog posted on time...
And I'll definitely have a video up to share as well with it.
Until next time.
- Chad
..i was one of those messages. but thanks for letting us know what's up.
i hope everything goes as you'd like.
Yay for Target!! Haha. =)
thank you so much for this blog, and i love your view on things in the music and clarifying what's going on. I'm sure your new music will be just as great as your old. i love you! (they have spiderman water dispensers @ toys R us if you perhaps would enjoy that [i have one])
thanks for promising not to sell out :] you are too amazing of a musician to ruin yourself like that
thank you for basically agreeing with me on the definition of 'sell-out'.
i don't get why people think
sell-out = mtv.
i would actually /love/ for you to get on mtv, when you're ready. that'd be so awesome.
oh, and btw,
nice spider man pillow case.
selling out
...this just seemed like it may apply [slightly]
thanx for informing us(fans) that u are not a sell out even tho i already know cos u actually take the time to care about your fans and shit. so thank again. and by the way, u are such a random person! haha , but thats cool. i am too. anyways good luck with your recording and everything :]
i've never had any fear of you selling out. I've always thought you'd be a perfect fit for a vh1 you outta know artist or a contestant on i love new york 3! spider-man is really awesome, but i prefer wal-mart... it may lack all sense of class, but it's open really late at night for escapades! think you'll be able to give us any sneak peaks at new songs soon?
Your so cool xP
& I love how you referenced My Beautiful Rescue. I've been addicted to that song lately. Its so pretty and peaceful, Ive had it on repeat while doing my homework all week.
Watch you not be referencing it and im jut an absolute freak :]
Anyways, thanks for the amazing post and im like your perspective on music and the music industry.
Cant wai till next week <3
i never had any fear of you being a sell-out, it's always been obvious that you care too much about the music for that to ever happen to you, and it's good to have confirmation that we needn't worry about it.
& and i don't think the post was so scatter-brained, life is random, therefore we all must be as well..
love ya kid. <3
can't wait for next weeks!
and hope everything is going the
way you planned it Mr.Chad :P
Peace out and Good Luck!
Glad to hear you promise not to sell out. Not that I necessarily ever had a thought that you'd be one b/c you're so involved with your music but's the point that you made sure we knew it. On another note..have fun with your spiderman pillowcase. I'm awfully jealous of you now.
Maybe I'll go get myself one even if it completely clashes with the rest of my room. I have been considering it for a while anyhow haha
Spiderman? Sooo. I definitely have a Batman pillow case. Spiderman is pretty badass but I think Batman wins out in the end.
I remember something else I was going to tell you. Walgreens has failed me. I went to look for Alternative Press b/c I was stoked to hear about you being in it....
but they don't have it =[
BIG disappointment there. Don't worry though, all my hope isn't lost yet.
target is my favorite store too :]
and thanks for the rather long blog, it's nice to know what going on.
mmm mandolin =]
I never once thought you'd sell out, Chad.
Your soul is too deep in your music to be able to comprimise such a thing.
i love your bit on selling out.
and ps. if [aka when] you come to minneapolis we can go play at the two-story target!
Sorry, Chad, but I'm a nerd that notices this every time you mention it so I have to point it out. Please don't think I'm being mean for it, it just bothers me.
Every time you mention Spider-Man you spell it wrong, or maybe type it wrong would be the better term.
With the dash and the capital M. It wouldn't matter so much to me, but Stan Lee way back when he created the character spelt/wanted his name that way to distinguish him from Superman who has the whole name smashed together in one un-dashed word.
Anyway - sorry but it bothers me when everyone does it because I'm an enormous Spider-Man fan. :] & I love that you appreciate the character too.
Glad to hear you're settling in well, I can't wait for some new tunes!
Instead of responding to every little thing in this blog I'm gonna be lazy and sum it up:
I love you and your music =D
and your Spiderman facination...
Chad, you are so CUTE.
i'm going to eventually make you a bitchin spiderman pillow and sind it to you
Chad! that's great. I'm glad you're not planning on selling out. that's wonderful! I quite enjoy your view on the music industry. It was most refreshing, and it showed that you DO know what you're doing! yay for knowledge! and, like you said, I hope you make it to mtv, too. but, I hope you make it farther than mtv, because you're amazing. : )
so i found the mini-you. his name is alec and he goes to my school. he wrote a song called painting and a poem, and as soon as i heard it i ran to him, literally, and told him all about you and your music and such. so, yea.
i'm so glad you're all about your music. bands that sell out suck, but then i stumbled upon a jewel of wisdom from a band called "blink-182." mark and tom were talking to MTV about selling out and this is what they said
"Mark: Well, we've done the same things that we were doing in the beginning, and we never wanted our band to stay small. I mean, we want our band to be as big as it can, and I'm not going to die wondering about some kid who calls us a sellout at a show.
I don't have a problem being on MTV, and I don't have a problem with being on the radio. I actually like it. So there. And anyone that calls me a sellout is just jealous.
Tom: Yeah, fuck you guys."
and i think that's exactly the mentality you have, and the exact mentality i have about it now.
oh chad, i love you =]
the blog was definitely worth the wait. and it's good to hear that you're not gonna sell out. i think it WOULD be awesome if you could get on MTV cause even more people would get to hear the amazing music that puts a smile on my face.. anytime, anywhere.
good luck with the recording & whatnot.. and i look forward to your next post :]
chad your amazing.
i like how you brought up selling out. & i definitely see your point. but what i think the fans are mostly worrying about is that you will become less personal with them. the more people that like you the less chance fans have of actually getting in-touch with you. at least that is how i feel about it. but i know that for the artist the more people you share your music with the better.
just throwing that out there.
I agree with clarissa I think thats why fan think those things ^^
ahh i love everything you're saying.
you aree amazing.
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