Just in case if there wasn't already enough proof that I am a nerd,
here's me dressed as a Wizard dressing as a Muggle for the Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows book release last year.

Last night I was laying in bed (and by bed I mean couch, and technically you can't lay IN a couch, but you can lay on one)...
and anyways....
I realized I've already been in California for two weeks.
It's seemed liked shorter, but I guess sometimes time flies.
I'm going to begin actually tracking songs for my new album sometime this week.
I've finally become quite comfortable with all my new recording equipment and after about a week of just messing around with knobs and buttons to see what all this stuff can do it's time to actually get down to business.
I've got a ton of songs demoed (somewhere around 70) and am choosing from those.
I think that anywhere from 11 to 14 sounds like a good number to actually put on the album.
I still have no idea what I want the title to be for that album.
I wanted to clear something up,
simply because I could see how it could get confusing...
like I've mentioned before, I'm releasing TWO albums this year.
The first is already completely finished, has a title, artwork, everything...
and it's somewhat of a re-release of songs as well as a good bit of new songs,
and it will be coming out this Spring.
Now, the other album is the one I'm working on now, it is a full length album and will feature all new songs.
So just to make sure you know, when I say I'm working on songs for the new album, I'm talking about this one...
and it will be coming out this Summer.
Touring is finally in the works.
I've said I'd be touring non-stop and meant it...
that will all begin just before or just at the beginning of Spring.
Sometime around early March.
Also, also, also...
I mentioned how I'd have a video for you this week, well, I don't...
BUT I do have a song clip for you...
It's of a track that I have yet to give a name to yet that's a good potential song for the new album,
and you can hear/download the clip at www.backseatgoodbye.com/democlip.html
And sorry about no video, I keep forgetting to get a firewire cable for my camcorder, but I will have one soon and then videos will follow :)
On another note....
one that doesn't really deal with my music....
last night I finally had a "Eureka!!!!" bright idea moment at around midnight.
I've been wanting to write a book for the longest time,
and I've started on a couple, but have only written through the first few chapters and drew a blank.
Out of nowhere I decided exactly what I wanted to do, because I love writing lyrics, but sometimes they just don't work out with music so I suppose they just technically become words with no song, a.k.a. poems.
And I've got tons lying around (and by lying around I mean on my hard drive, because it's so much easier to type words than actually write them down.)
So anyways, what I'm getting at, is....
I've decided that sometime in the near future I will be self-publishing and releasing a book of poems.
I never really realized how powerful just reading words without music could be until I stumbled upon a man named Saul Williams while reading one of Amanda Palmer's blogs.
And by "in the near future" I mean, I'll hopefully be releasing sometime early this Spring...
I've never self-published a book, so I've still got some figuring out to do on that, and I've still got to get a lot in order to bring it all together,...
but just know that I'm quite excited about it, and if you like my lyrics or have every read any of my blogs with some of my poetry in it I think you'll really dig this.
I've got a title and cover for it already, but I'm going to keep those a secret for a little while longer.
But yeah, look out for more on that soon :)
That's all I've got for this week,
be sure to check out the song clip and let me know what you think of it :)
chad, you are my favorite. <3
Tour, poems, new demo, 2 new cds.. this blog was full of good stuff! =] I'm pretty excited.
your writing is amazing. :)
get it out quick, I wanna get it before I go to Japan!
that clip
is really good
but it was really dissapointing when it ended.
All this information is so excting ! I can not wait for the tour and more espeacillly the book. I loveeee reading poems and such. It's my favorite thing !
Good luck in Cali and recording !
wizard dressed as a muggle?
the clip was amazing.
and when you tour
come to philadelphia. the TLA owns my face =]
super excited for the poem/lyric book.
i'll check out the clip sooooon.
love youuu,
Oh golly you always make me so excited. All of this news. I can't even imagine how excited you are when silly kids like myself get out-of-our-minds ecstatic for it. The book, the records, the clip is lovely by the way. Most certainly.
I love your lyrics/poetry.
I'm hoping touring will be in the southeast, more specifically south carolina? Golly, that'd be nice.
i love the demo clip! it's great! i'm totally excited for the new cd!
also, You Are the One That Will Be By My Side is going to be on the new cd, right? i downloaded that song when you put it up for a little bit this summer, and i absolutely love it.
thanks for making such amazing music!
You have got to be the most ambitious person I've ever, well, wanted to meet :]
and the demo is cute <3 just like all of your other songs. I can't want until this album comes out
wow, you're publishing poetry!!! that's exciting and amazing. When you've got it all figured out and stuff, write me with the details. (It's kind of my biggest dream to publish my writing :D) By the way, have you ever read Robert Frost? He's my favorite, truly amazing.
You're awesome, Chad, you have so much going for you. I hope the best for you in all of it.
the book of poetry sounds amazing, because your lyrics are.. fantastic. with OR without the music. can't wait for the new albums, i'll definitely be picking those up :]
annnd you should make it to the pennsylvania area during touring because you're just that cool! <3
I like your picture that was funny, yet cute.
I like the song, I really love all the references you make.
A book of poetry? that's a good idea, i like it. Good luck on it, although you probably won't need it.
Have a good day/evening/night/morning =D
poems,new demo (which was amazing),2 new cds,and even touring!!!!
I'm so excited.I'm just speechless!!! (laine takes a deep breath). Well I'm very happy for you chad and you are just freakin' amazing! I'm jealous :p Just kidding. Well can't wait for everything!!!!
peace out and love you:]
to be honest, i definitely saved that photo. ;D
i'm beyond excited for all of this.
and dang, i'd definitely buy that book. seriously.
and about the song clip; absolutely amazing.
ohmy chad you are just soo amazing!
the demop was great, i am soo psyched for the new albums and now I am DOUBLY psyched because of this poetry book!
I LOVE the pic of you =)
Yay for 2 CD's, and the book :-D
This has to be extremely exciting for you
I can't wait for you to tour.
I will def try to make it to every show in the NY, PA, and OH area
Congrats on everything Chad!
♥ Leah
your lyrics make my heart melt.
: ]
wow i am just SO excited for all that's going on in the spring, especially your winter tour since your FINALLY in california. ahhhh i'm going to be ecstatic for days! ahh thank you.
(btw i'm getting your book of poetry the day it comes out, scouts honor.)
your lyrics are simply amazing,
but gee, i think your poetry is just going to be WOW.
hahaha... i too was one of those nerds who dressed up [though i was professor mcgonagall for reasons i don't even know..] :] it's pretty much the greatest experience, all of us harry nerds congregated in one nerdy bubble..
how you find time to bask in inspiration for poetry is beyond me, but i'm quite excited for this bit of wonderful in a book.
p.s... was cloverfield amazing, or what? :]
Chad your just so amazing.you have so much going for you.i can tell your future is very bright.
love you demo.i so cant wait for your CDs and book.
love latrice
p.s. plz come over to colorado when you tour.
you and this person think a lot a like.
i'm not trying to compair you to anyone. but your thoughts/words are amazing.
The demo clip is amazing.
I love it.
two albums, a book, and a tour? all in the same year? sheesh chad, you're like superman :]
can't wait til they all come out (or in the tours case, start).
Well, I found one of his books in the editing room while working on the school show. I read it like crazy, and I want his others sooooo bad.
And your book? Gah. Poetry=lifeblood. I can only want more. :)
It all sounds good to me =]
and just to let you know....I'm thinking for that song....I've listened to that song demo about 3 or 4 times now,(yes i like it that much already) and I have a title idea if you care. "You had me from hello" Yeah I know it doesn't exactly 100% fit with the way the song goes, but theoretically it could.
oh and btw I finally bought the latest issue of alternative press today and i love the little article about you. =]
You've got me all hyped up for your new stuffs. :]
Annnd the clip is lovely.
Wow. I love the clip and I wish you would release a book of poems/writings. I would buy them all. I love you Chad. Keep it up.
you need to read some Robert Frost or TS Eliot.
Amazing. Life-changing. do it.
You are amazing...
Gosh, whatever you want to do- you do! A book (I have GOT to get that as SOON as it comes out), 2 CDS, and just .... everything!
Love the song... Keep up the great work...
I am sooo glad you love HP... I'm the BIGGEST Harry Potter dork I know... The books are AMAZING.. =D
Love you
cant wait for the tour (: (be sure to stop by in chicago before... or after june and july)
good luck on the book :)
You, my kind sir, are enchanting. I was online to see that little bulletin you posted at like three in the morning the other night. My first thoughts were about a book, and that's pretty exciting. I've self-published books and poetry before. It can be a hassle, but if you really want to you'll do it. And you might have a bit more of a challenge than some girl from the outskirts of nowhere, because with the way your fanbase has blossomed over the past four years, there are going to be giddy fans everywhere wanting one. Which, in turn, will be a good thing. Well, if you ever need an extra boost, Publish America is really good with working with projects you want/need more prints of, if you are looking for a company to follow with. If you've got designs and plans, they go with them. They won't change anything, as normal publishers might. They leave it up to the author. It's just like self-publishing, only it can take a lot of weight off your shoulders. [ publishamerica.com ] I hope everything works out great. And of course, the tunes are great. I love how demos sound, like 'You Are The One Who Will Be By My Side' is one of my favourite songs. I hope that's at least still in the running for one of the albums. Well, I hope all's well on the west coast. : ]
whoaa you are on fire, kid.
and i like the new song clip.
it's really adorable.
and cleveland? this spring? yess.
i can't wait for you to bust out with all this stuff; you really are the best. :D
lulu.com is a great place to self-publish. you don't have to pay anything up front (only if you order a shipment of your books) and people can order straight from the site
I've got 2 poetry books from there and both are really well printed
I am SO excited for all the new stuff! planning on buying whatever you put out.
and as for touring, please come to florida? i would rather go to a BG show than any other band i can think of.
and thanks for being so amazing and making music that perfectly fits my life.
ur demo is just brill!
oooo cant wait for the cds...
i kind of wish you proved me right and didnt post every week. im getting overwhelmed haha.
I would buy it.
Your ambitiousness really inspires me.
to be technical, people lie.
you were lying on the couch.
not laying.
you're amazing,
so it's all right.
wow you really keep yourself busy. but im soo excited for all of that! and i think you should come to omaha. pretty please with a cherry on top?
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